Billy Wang has been great in fighting cancer and also helping others to do so.
Anyone can help us to translate this into English?
From Sister Amy:
檸檬200克 (我秤了差不多三粒小綠檸檬: 把綠檸檬切開,把白心切掉. 切成小塊, 或說大卸八塊–一顆切成八粒)
白糖80克 ((我不知道Billy用的是什麼冰糖)
把冰塊放入, 照東方比利的方法, 原速一秒, 高速一秒, 原速一秒, 高速一秒.
把 切好的檸檬放入, 原速一秒, 高速一秒, 原速一秒, 高速一秒.
倒出來, 用濾網過濾一下, 就好啦!
She told me we can get a big bag of limes from Costco at good price!
If you like that drink, you may also like the Kiwi Lemon Juice.
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